Mar 31, 2010


Mommy has FINALLY figured out how to get ready for church stress free! She waits until the last minute to dress me, and only worries about making herself look nice. Meanwhile, she lets me hang out in my diaper on her bed while watching a movie (my favorite at the time is a Baby Genius, I think because I haven't watched it in months!).

I can't believe it took her so long to get this system down. It's what I had been trying to tell her I wanted to do. Being naked + watching a movie = bliss!

Mar 26, 2010

15 months of fun!

That's right folks, I've been enjoying running the Mountjoy household officially for 15 months now! I am constantly growing and changing. See-

I was feeling very loving today, giving Sparky a kiss,

and all my favorite animals love.

Here are a few fun things about me at the ripe old age of 15 months:
  • I have eleven teeth, but number twleve is fast on its way.
  • I am slimming down and starting to look more and more like a toddler (tears for mommy). I went to the doctor last week due to a virus and weighed 24lbs. with a wet diaper and jammers on!
  • I am wearing 18 month pj's and 18-24 month clothing. I have a few 2T t-shirts, but they are a little long in the arms.
  • My must-have item for naps and "hard days" is my pigers.
  • I have a really fun sense of humor. I like it when people laugh at me, and enjoy being called funny.
  • My hair is really growing. Not sure how long we will go without a trim yet.
  • I sat rear facing as long as I could stand it. I am officially forward facing  and LOVE IT!
  • My favorite foods include: goldfish, yogurt, blueberries, and anything sweet that an adult is eating.
  • I am consistently taking one nap a day.
  • Sesame Street is starting to intrigue me. I especially like Elmo's World.
  • If I am outside I am happy.
  • Mom tells me I am super smart. Far advanced for my age :).
  • Animals of any kind are my favorite.
  • I am repeating lots of new words, and growing up so fast! 

Mar 25, 2010

A fun day with my mommy

Every day with my mommy is a fun day ( smile), but today was extra fun! It was a beautiful and sunny day outside, perfect for playing! Who did I call to play on the Little General playground in Ringgold with me? Who else but JoJo!! My baby cousin by 8 weeks exactly. We play together every Monday, Tuesday, and everyother Wednesday at my Marmee's house. Since mommy didn't work this Wednesday, I asked her to call Joli to come play.

I had a great time running around, and playing with all the neat "toys,"

but my favorite thing was playing with the wood chips. I was one messy girl!

I went down the big girl slide all by myself, kind of :). Mommy let me sit in her lap for a really big slide too!

I loved climbing up the playground equipment. It involved my favorite activity, climbing up stairs.

After a fun morning at the park, I needed a little nap. Mom and I went home and rested up so we could meet Anita and Braxton at the Zoo! I miraculously stayed in my stroller the whole time. Mom was super impressed by that!

Monkeys, snakes, lepards, and birds were a few of my favorite animals. Every time I saw an animal I would point it out to my mommy and say "hi" to it.

The most bizzare animal that we saw was this:

it's called a capybara, and boy was it strange looking!
I had such a fun day with mommy today! When I got home I ate dinner and crashed before my already early 7:30 bed time. I can't wait to see mom try and top this fantastically fun day!

Mar 24, 2010

Now I can sleep peacefully at night!

Ha! Really, I think my mommy can now sleep well at night :). She has been trying to find something to go over the bookshelf in my room since before I was born. She already has a tree painted and a big picture of me and a picture of a sheep in my room, so she wanted something different. I'm not sure if she is 100% satisfied (will she ever be?), but she does like the new addition to my room. It is a quote from one of her favorite picture books.

Here's another view, so you can get the full effect :). I will always be my mommy's baby girl.

Mar 18, 2010

Mohawks are for boys

My CRAZY cousin Jakob wanted mom to make him a mohawk at family night at my Marmee and Poppy's house. Surprisingly it only took mom a few minutes and a lot of water and hairspray to pull the look off. Jakob always makes me laugh with his high strung personality, but this was really funny :).
Can you tell that he is rotten?

It kind of reminds me of the time my daddy gave me a mohawk. Mom was not a fan, and to tell you the truth I wasn't either. We will leave this style to the boys.

Mar 13, 2010

I'll fly away....

to not so sunny Tampa, Florida! While the weather was less than perfect, the time spent with two of our favorite girls ( and a little bit of Mr. Tim) was great!
 This is why I love them:

They are sooooo silly!

I was REALLY good on the plane ride down and back, mommy asked me really nicely to be on my best behavior.

Life at the Killgoar family Casa was fabulous. LOTS of yummy food, fun, and friends!

Our first full day started off a little shak y when our plans to to visit the Zoo were spoiled with rain. Have no fear, Key-Nana (what my mom wants me to call Christina) was fast on her feet and drove us to the super cool indoor playground at the mall. It had all the things I love: animals, running space, and my big cousin Kelsey.

she even let me use her as a prop to climb, now that's love :)

The next day started out the way I like to start any day... breakfast and a dance party while watching a Baby Genius video.

The weather was still nasty, so we decided to go to the aquarium. I love the aquarium in Chatt town, so I knew I would love it in Tampa too! BTW- the yellow sweater was the ONLY long sleeve item in my suitcase. Mom packed for sunny and 70, not rainy :(. It really wasn't cold, but the pouring rain made it hard to not wear sleeves.

Kelsey and I enjoyed a break on the rockers before it was time to leave.

When we got back to Kelsey's house, I took off my pants and relaxed! I was worn out from running around so much! I wasn't asleep here, but mom was about to take me to the pack-n-play for my nap.

We went to the Cheesecake Factory (one of mom's favorites!) that night as a last ho-rah! Kelsey's mom had the briliant idea of bringing our movies along. I watched my favorite baby Signing Video (that Kelsey's mom gave Marmee for Christmas!), while the adults were chatting and eating.

Kelsey watched Elmo!

I had to wake up at 5:15 Saturday morning to catch my flight. Mommy left me in PJ's so I could be comfy. Once again, the hand held DVD player was a life saver, along with goldfish :)

We love you Killgoar family! Hope to see you REALLY soon!

Mar 5, 2010


Mom let me "color" a few times last week. I made a few marks on the paper to please her, but all I really wanted to do was throw the crayons everywhere and pick them back up. Repeat.

In fact, I love taking things (small, medium, or large) out of any kind of container and putting them back in. It's kind of becoming my thing.

I'll even share with the person playing with me, in this case it was my daddy :).

I tried to sneak in a taste of the yummy looking pink crayon. Mom saw me take a bite and freaked out. I really didn't like the taste of it anyway, so I didn't mind spitting it out. Mom said I couldn't "color" anymore if I put them in my mouth. No more crayon eating for this little girl!

Mar 2, 2010

Warm up already!

So I can wear this:

How do I look in my first bikini? My daddy couldn't wait until Summer time for me to try it on. I loved it so much, that I did not want to take it off. And why should I take it off? I carried on with my day while wearing it....
lunging and bending

playing with my new Lion chair (my mommy bought it at the Sweetweepeat consignment sale last Saturday!! She was super excited that it is a $100 Pottery Barn chair and she paid $20.)

working on my dance moves

and having a little snack.

Go away cold weather! I am ready for sunny days by the pool!

Mar 1, 2010

A glimpse of freedom...

I am soooo sick and tired of sitting inside my house! This winter stuff is not for me! I hate that my skin is dry from taking warm baths, that my nose runs every time I'm outside, and that I have to "bundle up" every time I'm outside.  Luckily we have had a few warm days lately.


It's fun breathing in fresh air, and chasing my shadow.

Hurry up Springtime, this little girl is ready to play play play!