Sunday afternoon we had fun at our church's fall festival. I was super pumped about wearing my bumble bee costume and buzzing around everywhere.

I was even MORE excited when I saw my Poppy! Did he come to play with me?
Know who else was there? Jakob!!! He is one of my all-time favs! I found him inside walking the cake walk. When I heard "cake" I decided to stick around.
Some might say I'm a genius for sticking around....
Guess who else showed up? Jojo! This is the only decent picture that mom got of us together in our costumes. Joli decided to take her costume off because it was a little warm (If you're worried about my costume, and me freezing on Halloween- don't! I have a long sleeve black shirt to wear under it!).
Mommy got a really big kick out of me in the costume contest. When I crawled up the stage, I waved to everyone. She thinks that I am hilarious because one minute I wont speak to anyone, the next minute I'm Miss Personality. Ummmm.... I believe I may make a moody teenage girl one day....ha!
She also thought it was funny that I kept my antenas on for most of the afternoon. When they came off I would put them back on myself:
I played lots of games at the carnival, and made up my own rules to most of them :).
I was even able to do one of my favorite activities, coloring!
My favorite game was the boats in the baby pool game. I really didn't care about "winning" I just wanted to play with the boats in the water!
When I was ready to leave I let everyone know by doing this:
I had a great time at the carnival, and can't wait for my fun Halloween weekend :)!