Jan 10, 2011

New Blog

Mom decided when I turned two that she would start a new blog about our whole family, not just me as the focus. We will be printing off this blog as a scrap book of my first two years! Thanks to all of my readers for keeping up with me, it's been fun :)! If you would like to continue reading about my family and me add themountjoyfamily.blogspot.com to your blog list.

Jan 8, 2011

My birthday party from my mom's camera...

Mom decided that she would throw my second birthday party at our house, kind of at the last minute. She wrestled with the idea of doing a half birthday party in the summer, and/or just doing it at Pump It Up, or The Creative Discovery Museum.....something. About three weeks before my birthday she panicked and ordered my invitations off tinyprints. From that point on she was locked into a Pancakes and Pajamas party at our house :)! 

She really just wanted to invite over close family and friends and literally just eat pancakes and open presents in our pjs. Anyone who knows my mom, knows that she couldn't make it that easy. 

For starters she rented a pig costume from a store in Atlanta (she picked it up while visiting Antia, and returned it while visiting, it worked out perfectly!) because I am a lover of all things pig. My Uncle Jake was kind enough to wear the costume :) Here are a few snap shots before the party started:

Mommy ordered the most perfect pair of pjs with a pig on them for me, and she even found footie pjs for her at the last minute!

Daddy missed out of visiting a lot because he was busy making the pancakes for everyone. The bacon and sausage were already cooked and warm in the oven.

We didn't mind waiting for the yummy pancakes because we colored on the paper tables, and make cereal necklaces. We were also able to run around and play and visit with our friends. A lot of the big kids played upstairs during the party. Mom said that was fine because we didn't have room for them to be running around downstairs! Here are some snap shots from mommy's camera:

The chocolate chip pancakes were to die for yummy :)! Good job daddy!

It was funny to hear all of those people singing happy birthday to me. When we practiced it was just my family. I was a little shocked at the volume level!

The cupcakes were yummy, and I had no problem digging right into them.

Mr. Pig made one last apperance at my party, so I had to give him some loving, and let him know that my birthday was so much fun because of him :)!

Of course the party didn't stop once everyone left. In the bag of  favours were pig noses! I made my family wear them around while they were cleaning up! It was funny :).

My party was a blast! I am still singing "Happy Birthday" a dozen times a day, and can't wait until my next birthday!

Jan 2, 2011

My birthday

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear Keeley,
Happy birthday to me!

This has been my song of choice over the past week. Having a birthday the day after Christmas, and a party the next weekend isn't so bad, it just means that I am able to extend the festivities over a whole week! My actual birthday was a special day for Mommy, Daddy, and me! We were still kind of snowed in on my birthday so we took the day easy, and played with my toys.

I started the day off with "baby pancakes" and biscuits, because that's what I wanted :)

I helped daddy put my trampoline from Marmee and Poppey together. 

Then I jumped my little heart out :).

I was a little skeptical of my backpack at first, but now I LOVE it, and don't want to take it off. Same goes with the Elmo hands!

Sunday night we drove over to Marmee and Poppy's house for some pizza, cupcakes, and presents. Jakob and Joli joined us for the fun!

I got some cool Elmo toys, and 

a really cute outfit with shoes to match. Mommy is hoping that I will like these shoes as much as I love my red sparkly shoes :).

 Mommy and I were both surprised with a real shopping cart! It's awesome! 

We sang "Happy Bithday" and ate GiGi's to cap off the night! Joli and I were in a contest to see who could sing "Happy Birthday" the most.

Then mommy and I went home snuggled in bed and remembered the first time that we snuggled.

My birthday week was awesome! I went to pump it up to play with Colin and J&J, and had lots of play dates during the week! My Pancakes and PJ birthday party was a blast too- but I'll save it for my next post.