Feb 9, 2010

Things that drive me crazy....

I've had a lot of thoughts swarming around in my little 13 month old head lately. There are just some things that I do not understand, and that drive me absolutely crazy!

  • The word "no"
  • Having stairs in my house and at my Marmee and Poppy's house, but not being able to climb them.
  • Waiting in my high chair for food, I mean really can't it be waiting on me?
  • Strangers touching me.....this one is major, and I think it bothers my mommy too!
  • Taking a nap when everyone else is playing or watching TV. 
  • Mom and dad waking me up so they can go to work. 
  • Getting my diaper changed. Period.
  • People reading my blog, but not posting a comment. If I'm talking to you, leave one :)
  • Being at a basketball game, but having to sit in the stands. I want to play with all the other kids!
  • Mom making me eat my veggies before I can have fruit, or BREAD.
  • People talking on their cell phones while I'm trying to watch Baby Einstein.
  • Riding in my stroller for more than 15 minutes.
  • People asking me to say or do things on demand. I hate  really don't like doing things on demand.
  • Small dogs trying to hump me. 
  • Wearing things on my head. This includes but does not limit hair bows, headbands, hats, and hoods on jackets or coats.
  • Nose suckers
  • Sharing my Poppy with JoJo (sorry Joli, but he's MY Poppy)
  • Waiting on my one year photo gallery to post. This only bothers me because mom checks the compter every hour on the hour to see if they are there. Annoying!
I love my cushy little life, but did want to share with you some of my irritations :). I know I am such a lucky girl to have such a wonderful life, so no more complaints from me (at least for a little while).


  1. Keeley, there's enough of Poppy to go around...spread the love. I love you! Marmee

  2. I hate getting my diaper changed, too! Can't wait to see you! Love, Kelsey
