This is my mommy's friend Chrissy from college! She came to visit me around this exact same time last year. We have both gotten much "bigger" since then :).
And it's not because we've been eating too many Twinkies either! Chrissy is expecting baby Chloe in 3 weeks! Mom and I drove down to Acworth to visit for the afternoon today.
Chrissy has a REALLY BIG dog named Duke. He is about 30 times bigger than Sparky, but a very loving dog. I enjoyed telling him "hi" and petting him. Mom tried to get a picture of the two of us, but we were both too busy.

I climbed Chrissy's stairs about 10 times. Chloe's room is at the top of the stairs, so I would go to her room sit in her chair, and then turn around and come back down over, and over, and over.

Chrissy lives in an adorable neighborhood with an awesome playground and swimming pool. Mom and Chrissy thought it would be a good idea to let me get some energy out before the long car ride home, so we played.
I didn't get into the sand box (and now that I think about it, mom never offered to help me get in), but I picked up some of the sand and played in it.

It was soooo steamy hot and I was sooo tired from only taking a 45 minute nap on the way down that I had a bit of a fit on our walk back to Chrissy's house. I didn't want to leave the fun playground, but mommy insisted. Once I realized how tired I was and how nice the AC felt in mom's car, I relaxed and enjoyed the ride home.
See you soon Chrissy! We can't wait to play with baby Chloe!
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