Apr 30, 2009

Now that I'm four months old.......

Now that I'm four months old, I enjoy doing lots of  things.....
Like sleeping in my swing with my dolly and my lovie......

wearing cute dresses and hanging out.....
playing on my jumper....
and listening to my daddy playing fun songs for me!

Apr 20, 2009


I went to the nursery at church for the first time on Sunday! The only reason my mommy put me in that germ infested environment is because Ms. Stephanie promised not to let any of the other kids touch me!! I was a big girl, and had lots of fun- but mommy doesn't know if I'll go back again unless Stephanie is there!

I also hit a major milestone Sunday night- I rolled my chubby little body from my back to my belly! Mommy cheered so loudly, and danced around with me as if I had just won the 100 meter breaststroke in the Olympics (she has big dreams for me). My daddy says uploading video is a pain, but mommy will try to charm him- it's just toooooo cute not to post.

Apr 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I had a great first Easter! I woke up early Easter morning to see what the Easter Bunny had brought me. Colin found my basket for me, and boy did it have lots of cute stuff! My mommy was working the video camera, so I don't have a cute picture :(.
After church we went to Marmee and Poppy's house for lunch and to see what the Easter Bunny brought to their house. The Easter Bunny must love me a lot to make two special trips for me. Here I am playing on my play mat in my Easter dress.... don't my eyes look tired?
Daddy put me into some play clothes before he put me down for my nap. I had to wear my cute bunny ears before I went to sleep.
Jakob and Colin also really liked the bunny ears.
Here is my uncle Jake looking at his Easter basket...what a weirdo.
My favorite item from Marmee Bunny was "My first Dolly" I love her piggy tails!

Apr 5, 2009

Keeley's 3 month photo shoot

I had my second photo shoot with Miss. Brittany on Thursday. My mommy was soooo worried about me not being sleepy or hungry during the shoot. Well, I could sense her nerves, and that made me nervous. I couldn't sleep! When Brittany arrived at my house, I had been awake for an hour. That is my happiness limit. I agreed to take a few pictures naked, but once my mommy tried to stick me in a dress, I was over it. Brittany and mommy could tell that I was not going to comply with them, so they rescheduled the rest of my shoot for Saturday morning. It stressed my mommy out, and I didn't like that she was unhappy, so I decided to be on my best behavior Saturday. When Saturday rolled around I took a good long morning nap. When Brittany arrived I was ready to show her all my cuteness. I let her put me in uncomfortable baskets without a complaint, and even let her take pictures of my naked bottom :-). Brittany always does such a wonderful job of making my mommy and I happy! She put a few "sneak a peak" pictures on her blog for us to see. The rest of my pictures will be up in another week or two. If you would like to see my pictures follow my directions:
1. Go to www.Bgannphotography.com
2.Enter her Blog
3. There I am!!!

On a side note.....
Today my mommy and daddy took me to Sunday school for the first time. I was a really good girl. About half way through class my mommy heated up my bottle, and let daddy feed me. I was sucking down the last bit when I exploded...... EVERY WHERE!!!! On my daddy's pants (he looked like he had had his own accident), on my cute new dress, and on the chair daddy was sitting in. Mommy took me to the restroom (where there was no changing table... what were they thinking??), and put me into a new outfit. Unfortunately, daddy did not bring a change of clothes, so we had to leave church early.