May 27, 2010

Playing house in my Pjs

I love running around and playing in my pjs. It's almost like putting them on adds a surge of energy to sleepy self. One of my favorite new things to play with is my new doll house. It is the perfect size, with just the right amount of accessories (so I don't have a million pieces everywhere). 

The daddy and the little girl are my two favorite people to play with. I will put them in the bath tub, in the rocking chair, sitting at the kitchen table, or in bed! I leave the baby in her crib, because she needs her rest. The mommy is missing, or I know she would also be a favorite.

Mom thinks it's hilarious that I kick back and play! She's never seen me do this before! Notice the barn beside the doll house? We decided that this nice little family lives on a farm :). 

I am also LOVING playing with my doll house door that fits on the outside of the playroom door.

I love to open and shut the doors, and ring the door bell. It's really funny when someone knocks on the door, or when I look through the peep hole. 

I love playing house so much! It's fun when there is no cooking, cleaning, or laundry involved!

May 24, 2010

Lookouts clinic

Colin went to a baseball clinic at the Lookouts Stadium on Saturday. It was really cool. They provided the clinic, a t-shirt, and lunch for free! What a deal! The best part about it was he invited me to come watch him.
He was sooooo excited to play with real pros!

Our cousin Bryson came along too! He and Colin play together on the Royals, and they will be playing on the same All-Star team this summer!

They are such silly boys!

I spent most of my time enjoying snacks and walking around the ball park. There were LOTS of steps for mommy and I to climb, and LOTS of seats for me to sit in.

Colin got some batting tips from a real lookouts player. Daddy said he listened to him better than he ever listens to daddy.

Between centers the boys practiced throwing and fielding the ball.

It was lots of fun for everyone, maybe some day we will watch Colin play in the Lookouts Stadium!

May 21, 2010

G is for Gymnastics

We had fun at the Gymnastics Center today with my cousins Addi, Libby, and Bryson! Have I mentioned that I LOVE my mommy only working 2-3 days a week?

One of my FAVORITE things to do is jump and run on the trampoline track. Addi thought it was fun too!

I also love to crawl up the cheese and do flips down it.

I am a master at maneuvering a ball. I rolled this ball in between the balance beams perfectly.

I was a little timid of the pit. I would scoot to the edge and dangle my feet, but I was afraid to take the plunge.

Addi wasn't afraid. She even passed the foam cubes to me so I could play with her.

Mommy knew that I would love the pit once in it, so she tossed me- and she was right! I loved it! 

Bryson loved it too! He was really good at digging holes in the foam.

Libby showed Addi and me some of her gymnastics moves. We were totally impressed. We both wanted to look official like Lib too. Addi's mommy bought her an outfit so she could be like Libby. My mommy  told me we would have to wait and ask daddy.

Addi tried this one on, but it was too tight! My mommy didn't get a picture of her in the better fitting outfit.

Mom thought it was funny that this was the ONLY picture that she got of the four of us (because we were all running all over the place 90 to nothing).

Needless to say it was only a matter of minutes after we got into the car that I was out! It looks like I fell asleep while eating my snack because my hand is still in the snack cup. You know I'm tired when I choose sleep over eating.  Thanks for the fun morning!

May 17, 2010

Busy weekend!

I had a really fun, really busy weekend! I played with my friend Karoline, had a spend the night party with my Marmee and Poppey, went to Jakob's soccer game, went to Colin's baseball game, went to church, Jakob and Joli's dedication, cook out at Jakob and Joli's, and participated in the Strawberry festival at my Marms! Whew! I even missed a few fun activities such as a yard sale, and Wyatt's birthday party due to my nap schedule! Mommy was sooooo super busy too, that she only got a few pictures from Jakob and Jojo's dedication from our whole busy weekend.

Don't I look too excited for words here? At least Colin looks happy and sweet as always.

Colin and I were excited to go to Jakob and Joli's dedication. We were even more excited when we saw all the cupcakes and snacks that we could eat :)! This is a typical picture of Jakob and Colin. Jakob loves his Colin!

Daddy tried to get a picture of Joli and I, but I was resistant. I was more interested in food and running around than saying "cheese" for a camera.

I did have an incident where I fell and maybe teared up just a tad....

but I got over it quickly and had fun running around the being silly with my mommy.

Having a good snack on hand is always a good move on mommy and daddy's end. They know how to keep a girl happy.

The dedication was sweet. We were glad to be there to support Jakob and Jojo and to give them our love! Colin and I love them both to pieces! 

May 13, 2010


I've been eating finger foods for a while now. Green beans, grilled cheese, sliced peaches, you name it. Foods that require a spoon or fork have been fed to me by my mommy or daddy (or really ANY adult willing to give me a bite of what they are eating) until now.

Mommy has been loading my spoon and helping me feed myself for a few months now. But today she decided to let me try it all by myself.

Besides turning the spoon upside down on the way to my mouth a few times, I did a great job!

Mommy says we may have to take a bath after every meal now, but we will do whatever it takes to help me become a more independent eater.

May 10, 2010

I love my mommy the best

Mother's Day was a lot of fun. Daddy and I started the day off by bringing mommy a Starbucks while she was in bed. She seemed to LOVE that. Then daddy started making breakfast because Grandma (daddy's mommy), Aunt Sarah, Uncle Bryan, and Addi were coming over for breakfast. Addi had a boo-boo on her foot, but she let Grandma work her magic to get the little stick out.

I was very concerned for Addi. I didn't like that she was hurting.

We sat around visiting for so long that we missed church! That was the only part of the day that wasn't perfect, but it was nice spending time with some of our favorite people.

While I was napping mommy went shopping. She got back as I was waking up, and we decided to go downtown to the market. We had sooooo much fun. Mommy bought me the cutest little pillowcase Georgia dress, and I ate a yummy cupcake.

I was even allowed to get out of my stroller for a little bit. The only rule was that I had to hold onto someone's hand at all times. That is a difficult rule for me to follow.

Our next destination was my Marmee's house. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and played outside. Mom and dad put the camera up before my cousins arrived, I wish they could have taken more pictures of me playing :(.  Before my cousins got there mommy played soccer with me,

and let me play with Jack-Jack,

and tossed me around (my favorite!).

Mommy is not a fan of this picture, but what's Mother's Day without a picture of mommy and her baby girl? I love you mommy, you're the best!

May 6, 2010

Kindermusik and a trip to PM Pediatrics

Tonight was our last Kindermusik session for the Spring. Mommy and I were really excited to celebrate with our friends.  My daddy even came to take some pictures of me with my friends.  We LOVE going to class each week and singing songs and playing.

Class started off like always, we sang "hello" to everyone. I decided that everyone could sing "hello" to me while bouncing in their mommies lap.

Then we sang a super cool car song with lots of motions. 

It's really funny to see all the grown-ups singing and dancing around for us kids. I think they really love us a lot. Do you see my mommy's face in the picture below? I think this is where she was discovering the rash that was COVERING my body.

This picture does not do it justice. It was all over my face, neck, head, arms, legs, tummy, and back. The strangest thing about it was it just popped up out of nowhere. All the mommies looked at it and tried to make suggestions of what it might be. 

Mommy decided that we needed to leave and head to :

I did not want anyone touching and picking at me, I was already upset that I had to leave my class early. It was decided that I was having a reaction to the amoxicillin that I was taking (and on my last day of). This doesn't mean I'm allergic to it, or something like that. Mommy is calling MY doctor first thing in the morning. 

Our plans of a fun evening of Kindermusik (with lots of pics) and Colin's baseball game didn't happen, but I guess the show must go on.