Aug 8, 2010

Busy Busy

I guess we are officially back in the swing of things.... mom had her first inservice day on Monday. She worked Monday, Tuesday (which was a late day because of open house), and Wednesday. Thursday mommy watched Joli and me before she ran out to school to meet her class and pick up my cousin Jakob from his first day of Kindergarten. Friday mommy watched Jojo and me again. Saturday mommy had a cheerleading meeting 45 minutes away- she was gone forever :(. Today daddy and I went to church while mommy stayed home with sick Colin. I went to mommy's school to help her work after my nap, and then my cousins Jakob and Joli came over to play. Mom has been too tired to take many pictures, or have the energy to help me blog. Here are a few pictures of our last week:

Mommy has a solar system class room. I think it's cool. My daddy drew the space ship in this picture, he always helps mommy out in her classroom. 

Joli and I enjoyed our snack at my new table. Mommy got it from a friend at school for $10. She sanded it today, and will hopefully be painting it tonight. We love it!

We had the BEST time in our happy bath. We played until mommy said the water was too cold. I hope I can blog more in the following weeks, but I guess we will just have to see :).


  1. And who made those darling curtains and cushions?? Jsut asking....

  2. Good luck this week, Keeley Bug. I know you are going to miss your Mommy! My Mom said the space ship AND curtains and cushions in your Mom's classroom are awesome! Love you, miss you, Kelsey
